Where to charge your phone?

Moments of sharing, time for a recharge.

From the outset, we wanted to highlight establishments equipped with Welock terminals. These people who invest all their energy in their work. These reception professionals who do everything possible to satisfy you.

This is why our application has been designed as a meeting platform. To go beyond simply locating places to recharge your phone.

Create connections.

Application recharge téléphone apple store
Application Welock disponible sur google play

How does it work ?

You can download the Welock application for free from your Apple Store or Android.

Once installed, you will be able to enjoy the quality of our services in a simple and unlimited way.

We have chosen to present the refill locations by listing them in partner cards according to your position: from the nearest to the furthest away. You can then make your choice, by scrolling to the left if the place does not meet your expectations or to the right if it has seduced you. For the places you have matched, you can even save them in your favorite places.

We share our favorites…

Our partners all have a history and many ideas in mind.

The Welock application allows you to find a charging station near your position, but also to discover unusual and comfortable places.

During the time of a recharge, you will be able to discover unexpected and surprising worlds… If you want advice, the section “the right spots” is there to ensure you a moment of pure pleasure.

And our good plans.

In the “Coupons” section, discover all the promotional offers, gifts and events in the places where you are used to charging your phone.

Create connections.
